Thursday, April 28, 2011

Langun-Gobingob Caves

Langun-Gobingob Caves in Calbiga, Samar is the biggest cave in Southeast Asia. It is a 12 cave system that will take 3 days and nights to explore. Also known as Calbiga Caves in Samar, it is the 2nd largest cathedral cave in the world. Most of Calbiga Caves, covering a 2,968 hectares area is still unexplored.
The main cave is called Langun and is visited on spelunking trips. The main chamber is so huge that it can accommodate 50 commercial planes put together side by side or equivalent to three football fields. The caves are famous for speleothems and a wide variety of cave life. There are numerous endangered species of bats living in the cave. True troglobionts are cave crickets and eyeless fish.

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